How to improve student engagement in online classes?

Shifting from the brick-and-mortar model of learning to online learning has not been an easy journey for administrators, students, and teachers. While classroom management has always been a point of concern for teachers in earlier times, managing students and engaging them in online classes have been a different ballgame altogether. Everyone has a different takeContinue reading “How to improve student engagement in online classes?”

It’s all happening at Jyotirmoy School of Education

This is where they all come with optimism and leave with the trappings of a winner. The Jyotirmoy School of Education opens for you a Pandora’s box of opportunities in the domain of teaching. It goes without saying because it’s been proven time and again that by doing your B.Ed at the Jyotirmoy School ofContinue reading “It’s all happening at Jyotirmoy School of Education”

Why is jyotirmoy school of Education top college in Kolkata?

B.Ed or Bachelor of education is a course to train up aspiring student in all aspects of teaching to become a professional teaching personal. The training module also inducts various teaching methods to be successfully implemented with the students irrespective of their class and abilities. A degree in B.Ed is not dependent on the streamContinue reading “Why is jyotirmoy school of Education top college in Kolkata?”

Job Opportunities After Completion of B.ED.

Transforming intellects into better educators, the Bachelor degree in Education, enable individuals make a difference in millions of lives. B.Ed. train competent and dedicated teachers equipped with skills required for effective teaching-learning; help trainees achieve professional standards of work; foster artistic, analytical and creative skills; encourage personal growth and inculcation of moral and spiritual valuesContinue reading “Job Opportunities After Completion of B.ED.”

The Importance of a B.Ed Course For Prospective Teachers

The decision of turning yourself into a teaching professional may be your childhood dream or a choice you would make later in life. And that is a nice dream because whether you are at a school, college, or university, teachers alone contribute to building a healthy educational system and future leaders for a nation toContinue reading “The Importance of a B.Ed Course For Prospective Teachers”

Methodologies to create teaching additional interactive, involving & additional meaningful

Interactive teaching designs are designed around an easy principle: while not exercise, students typically fail to understand the depths of the study material. Interactive teaching is additionally helpful for you because the teacher in a very range of the way, including: Measurable student accomplishments: lecturers creating use of interactive teaching designs are higher equipped toContinue reading “Methodologies to create teaching additional interactive, involving & additional meaningful”

How student data informs teaching

The number one job of a teacher is to be devoted to authentic student learning. Sadly, this profession is overly fixated on results from one test, from one day, given near the end of the school year.  Yes, that standardized testing knowledge may be useful; but, the teachers spend the entire year  by collecting allContinue reading “How student data informs teaching”

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